As stated by the Candidate (in Monks et al. 1994) that adolescence shows clearly the nature of the transition or transition because adolescents have not yet gotten an adult status and no longer have child status. According to Sri Rumini & Siti Sundari (2004: 53) adolescence is a transition from childhood to adulthood which experiences the development of all aspects/functions to enter adulthood.
The age limit for adolescents commonly used by experts is between 12 and 21 years. The age range of adolescence is usually divided into three, namely 12-15 years = early adolescence, 15-18 years = middle adolescence, and 18-21 years = late adolescence. But Monks, Knoers, and Haditono distinguish adolescence into four parts, namely pre-adolescence 10-12 years, early adolescence 12-15 years, middle adoles cence 15-18 years, and late adolescence 18-21 years (Deswita, 2006: 192)
The definition of adolescents presented by Sri Rumini & Siti Sundari, Zakiah Darajat, and Santrock illustrates that adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood with an age range between 12-22 years, during which the maturation process occurs either physical and psychological maturation. Coloring Pages for Teens are the coloring pages which is inspired by the same topic.
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