The abilities that must be achieved in mathematics learning are 1) mathematical reasoning ( reasoning and proof), 2) mathematical representation (representation ), 3) mathematical communication (communication), 4) mathematical connections (connections), and 5) problem solving (problem-solving). Of the five standards, there are mathematical reasoning. One of the goals of mathematics learning in schools is so that students are able to use reasoning on patterns and traits, make mathematical manipulations in generalizing, compiling evidence, or explaining mathematical ideas and statements.
Dave stated that fun learning ( Joyful Learning ) is a learning system that seeks to arouse interest, the existence of full involvement, and the creation of meaning, understanding, happy values for students (Heppy, 2011). Bobbi DePorter stated that a fun learning strategy ( Joyful Learning ) is a strategy used to create an effective learning environment, apply curriculum, deliver material, facilitate learning processes that result in student learning achievements being improved
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