If we are not careful in reading or do not investigate deeper, then we can misunderstand the story of the tower of Babel. We might blame God. However, it is impossible for God to do such a thing if there is no strong reason. You can take Tower Of Babel Coloring Page Bible.
First, because the construction of the tower of Babel is a form of human arrogance.
Note this saying, “Let us establish for us a city with a tower whose top reaches to the sky.” These words are not ordinary words, but words that show their desire to build competition with God. “The sky” here shows the highest place.
Indeed there are those who interpret that this is their preparation for another flood. However, the main emphasis here is not that. The main emphasis is the desire to be equal with God. Just download Tower Of Babel Coloring Page Bible.
Their words can be compared to the words of the Eastern Star, son of the Dawn, who is the Devil, “I will ascend to heaven, I will establish my throne to overcome the stars of God, and I will sit on the hill of the meeting, far to the north.
Second, because the construction of the tower of Babel is a form of human rebellion.
They built the tower of Babel to strengthen themselves. Consider again their words, “Let us search for names, so that we will not be scattered throughout the earth.” In addition to being remembered, “searching for names” is also an effort to keep them one and be strong, so that they will not be scattered. You can get our collections with Tower Of Babel Coloring Page Bible.