Totem poles are carved tall and straight tree trunks. The sculpture resembles humans and animals stacking upward. It was made by North American Indians. You can take Totem Pole Coloring Pages AnimalĀ with you.

Totem Pole Coloring Pages Animal

Totem Pole Coloring Pages Animal. Image via

Everyone is a totem purchased. Totems are animals that are bred as clans or family groups. In most societies, residents adore their totems and there are regulations prohibiting the use of totems. Just get Totem Pole Coloring Pages Animal.

Totem Pole Coloring Pages For Adults

Totem Pole Coloring Pages For Adults. Image via

Some residents also believe that totem animals are their ancestors. The highest totem poles are in Alert Bay on Vancouver Island, Canada. The pole which was founded in 1973 reached 52.7 meters.

Totem Pole Coloring Pages For Kids

Totem Pole Coloring Pages For Kids. Image via

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Totem Pole Coloring Pages Native American

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Totem Pole Coloring Pages Tiki Mask

Totem Pole Coloring Pages Tiki Mask. Image via

The area is home to the Kwakiutl tribe. They have added years to making totem poles. The carving on the tallest pole depicts the story of the Kwakiutl tribe. The Kwakiutl usually made totem poles at a party called the potlatch that lasted several days. The host of the potlatch party shares the donations of his guests’ belongings. It’s important to show off very important. You are going to getĀ  Totem Pole Coloring Pages Animal.

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