Newborns are newborns in the first 1 hour of life. According to Donna L. Wong, (2003) Newborns are infants from conception to 4 decades of the era. Birth is generally between 38 and 42 weeks of gestational age. A premature child is the consequence of a fresh creation of the mother’s womb through the ordinary birth canal or with the assistance of certain instruments until the era of 1 month. According to Dep, 1,2,3. Kes. Kes. RI, (2007) Normal newborns are children conceived between 37 weeks and 42 weeks of gestation and 2500 grams to 4000 grams of birth weight. You can get Baby Coloring Games Free Full Documents which can be downloaded for free.
The neonatal period is the phase from conception to 4 decades (28 days) from conception. Neonates are babies approximately0 (baby) to 28 days of era. Early neonates are infants numbered 0-7 days. Advanced neonates are infants aged 8-28 days. (The Wafi Nur Muslihatun, 2010). Baby Infants are people aged 0-12 months, marked by fast growth and development, coupled with modifications in nutritional demands (Wong, 2003). According to Soetjiningsih (2004), infants are 0 months to 1 year old. With the following group: a. Neonatal period, i.e. 0-28 days of era 1). Early neonatal period, i.e. 0-7 days of era 2). Advanced neonatal period, which is 8-28 days of era. You can get Baby Coloring Games Free Full Documents.
Babies are newborns up to 1 year of age.2 Toddler and Toddler Toddler is a child’s era that starts to move and is the biggest stage of growth and development, i.e. between 1 and 5 years of era. This is a significant era for the development of intelligence and mental growth. (Mitayani, 2010) Children between 0 and 59 months of age are kids during this era characterized by a very rapid process of growth and development.
The toddler is a particular word for kids 1-3 years of age (toddlers) and preschoolers (3-5 years of age). At the era of infants, kids are still fully conditional on fathers for significant operations, such as swimming, pooping, and chewing. Just get Baby Coloring Games Free Full Documents which can be grabbed for quick usage.