The use of cannabis is indeed quite controversial. Its existence was considered illegal and included in illegal drugs. On the other hand, actually this plant which thrives in Indonesia is a medicine that has quite a number of health benefits. But even though its use is not always dangerous, marijuana can affect your body and mind when entering the body. Just take Weed Coloring Pages Marijuana Leaf. 

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Marijuana or marijuana comes from a plant called Cannabis sativa. This one plant has 100 different chemicals called cannabinoids. Each ingredient has a different effect on the body.

Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are the main chemicals that are often used in medicine. Keep in mind, THC is a compound that makes you feel drunk or high.

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Cannabinoid compounds are actually also produced by the body naturally to help regulate concentration, gestures, appetite, pain, to sensation in the senses. But in cannabis, some of these compounds are very strong and can cause various serious health effects if misused.

Marijuana or also called cimeng is usually used by burning like cigarettes. Not only the leaves, flowers, seeds, and stems are also often used as ingredients for smoking.

In addition, cannabis is also widely mixed into foods, ranging from brownies, cookies, curry, brewed as tea, or inhaled with a vaporizer. Quoted from WebMD, marijuana can be a drug if medically treated. Dustin Sulak, a professor of surgery, researches and makes marijuana for medical use. Sulak recommended several types of marijuana to his patients and got surprising results.

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When given marijuana, patients who have chronic pain experience improved conditions from before. Then patients with multiple sclerosis also experience fewer muscle spasms than before. In fact, patients with severe intestinal inflammation can start eating again.

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Sulak’s research is quite strong and adds a long history of the benefits of cannabis which can be used as a therapeutic drug. But the problem is, because it is classified as illegal goods, it is difficult to do further research on the effectiveness of cannabis in the medical world. You can get Weed Coloring Pages Marijuana Leaf for quick use.

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One of the physical side effects of Marinol is a weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, redness, and dizziness. While psychological side effects that usually arise, namely anxiety, drowsiness, confusion, hallucinations, and paranoia. Download  Weed Coloring Pages Marijuana Leaf