Activity is an activity that can be found in the administrative process. Activities are the efforts put forward to implement all plans and policies that have been formulated and determined to complete all the needs of the tools needed, who will implement them, where they are implemented, when the time starts and ends, and how to do it. The use of Activity Worksheets Various Themes can be grabbed for quick usage.
TagVarious Themes
Grade Prep Worksheets Various Themes has several pictures. This is in accordance with Jerome S Bruner’s opinion that students learn through three stages, namely active, iconic, and symbolic. The active stage is the stage where students learn by manipulating concrete objects. The iconic stage is a stage where students learn by using pictures or videotapes. While the symbolic stage is the stage where students learn by using symbols.
In the opinion of Freudenthal in Nur’ela states that mathematics should not be seen as a teaching material that must be transferred directly as ready-to-use mathematics, but must be viewed as a human activity. Mathematics learning should be done by giving the widest opportunity to students to try to find themselves through certain assistance from the teacher. Therefore a teacher must be able to create learning conditions that are meaningful and can present material properly and correctly.
What did your kids do? Did your kids work with Kindergarten Activity Sheets Various Themes?