Reward or bonus is something that is earned outside of salary or wages. Reward or bonus is an addition to the salary received by employees every month because of their good performance and achieving certain targets. Rewards in companies can be divided into 2, namely financial and non-financial. You can get the sheets called Star Reward Chart Behavior Full Pages for quick usage.

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Examples of Financial Rewards are giving bonus money to employees who excel or those who have reached the target. And examples of Non-Financial Rewards are giving gifts to employees who excel in traveling while studying abroad or known as study tours, including also giving promotions.

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With this reward employees will feel valued, because the results of their work can be more leverage, and increasingly motivated to do their jobs well. By providing financial and non-financial rewards, it is expected to be able to maintain the stability of employees working.

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Meanwhile, punishment is the opposite of a reward. Punishment is often also called sanction. In fact, punishment is useful for creating morale in the company. If there are employees who do not like being penalized, the employee will automatically be motivated personally to do a good job. But it is advisable to be careful in applying excessive punishment because this can actually bring down mental employees alias demotivated. Just download Star Reward Chart Behavior Full Pages. 

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Sanctions also play an important role in encouraging employee morale in a company. In general, punishment or sanctions imposed on employees can be classified into three categories, namely severe sanctions, moderate sanctions, and mild sanctions.

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Considering the basic purpose of reward and punishment is actually to motivate employees to work optimally, every reward and punishment should be reviewed properly by the company. Efforts should be made to provide fair rewards, to ensure that employees who get rewards are the right employees. Likewise, a fair punishment in order to improve employee performance in the future. Both of these systems are expected to make employee performance more effective in the company. Well, what do you waiting for? we need you to get  Star Reward Chart Behavior Full Pages.