Many experts try to formulate an understanding of Guidance and Counseling. In formulating these two terms, experts put pressure on certain aspects of the activity.
The process of Guidance and Counseling service involves human beings and their humanity as a totality, concerning all their potential and tendency, their development, the dynamics of their lives, their problems, and the dynamic interactions between various elements in humans. Guidance and Counseling Services are carried out from humans to humans and by humans
Guidance is a process of providing assistance to a person or group of people continuously and systematically by a tutor so that individuals or groups of individuals become independent individuals. Independence which is the goal of this guidance business includes five main functions that should be carried out by independent individuals, namely: (a) knowing themselves and their environment as they are, (b) accepting themselves and the environment positively and dynamically, (c) making decisions , (d) directing themselves, and (e) manifesting themselves.
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