Rosa Parks took a bus to Montgomery, Tennessee, on December 1, 1955. She was seated on the front instead of going to the back of the bus reserved for African Americans. The bus driver asked Parks to move after the bus started to fill with the white passengers. She did not. Her resistance started with the Boycott of Montgomery Bus, one of the biggest social movements in history. Get Rosa Parks Coloring Page Free.

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Born on February 4, 1913, in Tuskegee, Alabama, Rosa Louise McCauley was born. She was an industrial school child and subsequently enrolled in ALL (now ALABAMA State University) at Alabama State Teachers College for Negroes. Unfortunately, after her grandmother became ill, Parks was forced to withdraw. Parks were often plagued with ethnic discrimination and abuse because they grew up in the divided South. At a young age, she entered the Civil Rights Movement. Take Rosa Parks Coloring Page Free. 

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At the age of 19 Parks married Raymond Parks to a local barber. He worked tirelessly to put an end to racial injustice. The pair served together with many organizations for social justice. Finally, Rosa was elected Secretary in the chapter on the Montgomery of the Colored People’s National Association (NAACP). Before Parks took the bus in 1955, she was a proven Civil Rights Movement activist and representative in Alabama.

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Parks showed active resistance not only in refusing the move but also in organizing and planning the boycott of the Montgomery Bus. However. you can get the collections here on Rosa Parks Coloring Page Free.

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