Creative is intended so that teachers create diverse learning activities so that they meet various levels of students’ abilities. Fun is a fun teaching-learning atmosphere so students focus their attention fully on learning so that the time of attention is high.
According to the results of the study, the high time of attention was shown to improve learning outcomes. Active and pleasant circumstances are not enough if the learning process is not effective, which is not to produce what must be mastered by students after the learning process takes place, because learning has a number of learning objectives that must be achieved. If learning is only active and pleasant but not effective, then learning is like playing normally.
Students are involved in various activities that develop their understanding and abilities with an emphasis on learning through doing. The teacher uses a variety of tools and various ways to arouse enthusiasm, including using the environment as a learning resource to make learning interesting, fun, and suitable for students. The good learning sources are Printable Activities For 6-Year-Olds.
The teacher arranges the class by displaying more interesting books and learning materials. The teacher applies such as Printable Activities For 6-Year-Olds as the material. more cooperative and interactive teaching methods, including group learning methods.
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