So, what is the name itself? In effect, it’s two words smushed together, according to the online etymology dictionary. “Hallow,” or holy person, means the saints celebrated on November 1, the day of All Saints. The “een” part of the word is a “eve” contraction–or a night before. You can get Halloween Coloring Pages For Adults.

Halloween Coloring Pages For Adults

Halloween Coloring Pages For Adults. Image via

But Halloween was essentially just an old-fashioned way of saying “the night prior to All the Saints ‘ Day.” This is because 1 November is All the Saints ‘ Day, a Catholic holiday dedicated to the christians, including all the saints, who have left. According to celtic mythology the veil between the OtherWorld and our world is thin during samhain, which makes it easier for the spirits and souls of the dead to return. Just get Halloween Coloring Pages For Adults.

Halloween Coloring Pages For Kids

Halloween Coloring Pages For Kids. Image via

Halloween Coloring Pages Monster

Halloween Coloring Pages Monster. Image via

Halloween Coloring Pages Pumkins

Halloween Coloring Pages Pumkins. Image via

Halloween Coloring Pages Scary

Halloween Coloring Pages Scary. Image via

Halloween was the celtic festival of the summer in Ireland, Scotland and Man Island. They would offer food to the good side of these ghosts, and the ancestors would depart, according to the Mirror. In the early years of the Church, allhallowtide was originally celebrated in the spring, including All the Saint Eve, All the Saints ‘ Day and the following All the Souls ‘ Day.

Halloween Coloring Pages Witch

Halloween Coloring Pages Witch. Image via

Halloween has become closer to the pumpkin, but apples have been important in the history of the pumpkin. After all, apples are often associated with and appear in celtic mythology. Apple bobbing is still a popular party game. You can get it from Halloween Coloring Pages For Adults. 

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