People can be smart because they want to learn from whatever is already there, while fools with as good resources as anything will never learn anything. Clear your glass. Out there, there are always people who are smarter than you, knowing what you don’t know because the “I know nothing” mindset is very important to accept the fact that we can learn from anyone.
Every time you meet new people, empty your glass, you will be surprised how many things we can learn from others. The trick is to speed up your learning process. It’s never too late for those of you who just want to learn because age is not a limit for someone to be smart.
Becoming smart means, not only you need to learn scientific knowledge but you also need to learn soft skills such as coloring. Well, we have coloring pages named Gideon Coloring Pages for All Generations.
You can own Gideon Coloring Pages for All Generations by clicking on the right and select save to download the worksheets.
Well, using Gideon Coloring Pages for All Generations, you can speed up your soft skills ability.
There are 3 multiplier factors that will speed up your learning ability, each factor will double your learning speed to 2x faster (even more), and if you can maximize all three of these factors, you can learn up to 8x (2x2x2) faster which means you will be smarter than people in general.