Sudden study before the exam is indeed ineffective. At least a month before the test is the ideal time to repeat the lesson. A lot of material is not a problem. There are ten smart ways to make our learning time effective.
The concept of learning is understanding not just memorizing. Yes, the main function of why we must learn is to understand new things. We can memorize 100% of all the lesson details, but what is more important is whether we have fully understood all the memorized material. So before memorizing, always try to understand the outline of the subject matter first. You can get Free Printable Activities For Kids.
Free Printable Activities For Kids can be downloaded only by clicking on the right of the worksheets and select save to download.
Do not forget that reading is the key to learning. So that we can understand, at least read new material twice a day, namely before and after the material is explained by the teacher. Because the brain has processed the material three times so it can be guaranteed to be stored long enough in our brain.
Well, you can try to make an activity learning for your students with Free Printable Activities For Kids.