What is meant by corruption? In general, the notion of corruption is an act of abuse of office or authority carried out by an official for personal gain. Other opinions say the definition of corruption is a dishonest or fraudulent behavior for personal gain by those in power, and usually involves bribery. Corruption can also be defined as an act of abuse of trust committed by someone against a problem or organization in order to gain profit.
Etymologically the term “corruption” comes from Latin, namely “corruption” or “corrupted” which means something that is damaged, rotten, shaky, twisting, bribing. So from the origin, the meaning of corruption is the misuse of official office to gain personal gain.
According to Robert Klitgaard, the notion of corruption is a behavior that deviates from the official duties of his position in the country, where the purpose is to gain status or money related to individuals or individuals, close families, groups themselves, or by violating the implementation rules concerning behavior personal behavior.
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