Factors Affecting Learning Achievement. According to Ben Walgito (1980: 125-129) suggested that factors related to learning achievement, namely: Factors originating in the individual (internal), include: Intelligence, Motivation to learn, The attitude of students towards teachers, Student interest in subjects. Student’s perception of the teacher who teaches.

Bird Coloring Pages Blue Jay

Bird Coloring Pages Blue Jay. Image via http://www.supercoloring.com

Bird Coloring Pages Flying

Bird Coloring Pages Flying. Image via http://www.sketchite.com

Factors that come from outside the individual (external), include Parents’ job, Parent income, Parent education, Student learning activities, and Student learning facilities.

Bird Coloring Pages Mother And Baby

Bird Coloring Pages Mother And Baby. Image via http://www.pitara.com

Bird Coloring Pages Realistic

Bird Coloring Pages Realistic. Image via http://www.sketchite.com

Based on the opinions above, it can be drawn the conclusion that in determining student learning achievement there are two factors that influence, namely: internal factors (factors that originate from the students themselves) and external factors (factors outside of the student’s own self).

Bird Coloring Pages Snow White

Bird Coloring Pages Snow White. Image via http://www.pinsdaddy.com

Little Bird Coloring Pages

Little Bird Coloring Pages. Image via http://mycoloringpages.blogspot.com

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Bird Coloring Pages Mother And Baby. Image via http://www.pitara.com

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