the ability to read and write is very necessary to support children’s activities in the academic field. Reading can develop a child’s brain so he is able to understand something quickly during the first six years, called the golden age. When children are taught to read, connections that exist in brain cells will become strong and can create new connections so the learning process has a huge influence on the overall functioning and development of the brain.
Reading is the key to academic success. when your child learns to read at a very young age, he will have more general knowledge, increase vocabulary, improve the ability to write and communicate verbally
Writing by hand is able to establish a connection in the child’s brain. Children who learn to write early will recognize letters faster and make it easier to learn. The results of the research state that children who loves to read will be easier to generalize ideas. Everything written by the child will be stored well in the child’s memory compared to typing because when writing active self-processing can make understanding much deeper than typing.
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